How Many Beans Per Square Foot?

If you just picked on gardening as a hobby, and you are probably wondering how many beans per square foot? to sow, then this article is for you. in this article, I will discuss many things that are involved in planting beans in a square foot garden.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary depending on the type of bean plant, the size of the plant, and the growing conditions. However, a general rule of thumb is to plant one bean plant per square foot. This means that if you have a 10×10 foot garden, you would plant 100 bean plants in it. If you have a smaller garden, you can still plant one bean plant per square foot

It is generally considered good to grow beans in a square foot garden. Beans are a nitrogen-fixing crop, which means they help improve the quality of the soil they are grown in. They also don’t require a lot of space to grow, making them ideal for square foot gardens. Additionally, beans are a versatile crop that can be used in many different dishes. So, if you’re looking to add a nutritious and delicious crop to your square foot garden, beans are a great option!

Can You Grow Beans In A Square Foot Garden?

You can grow beans in a square foot garden, but you will need to support them. Beans are climbing plants, so they will need something to climb on, like a trellis or a fence. You should also plant them in well-drained soil and give them plenty of sunlight. With proper care, your beans should thrive in a square-foot garden!

How Many Beans Per Square Foot?

You can plant between 9 and 12 bean seeds per square foot, depending on the variety of beans. You’ll need to thin the plants out to the recommended spacing once they’ve sprouted. For example, if you’re planting bush beans, you’ll need to thin them so that there are 3 to 4 inches between each plant. If you’re planting pole beans, you’ll need to thin them so that there are 6 to 8 inches between each plant.

When you are planting your beans in a square foot garden, you will want to space them out evenly so that each plant has enough room to grow. You can use a ruler or tape measure to help you space the plants evenly. Each plant should be about 12 inches apart from the other.

If you are planting more than one row of beans, you will want to space the rows about 18 inches apart. This will give the plants enough room to spread out and grow.

When you are planting your beans, be sure to dig a hole that is big enough for the plant’s roots. You don’t want to plant the bean too deep, as this can cause the plant to not grow as well. The hole should be about 6 inches deep.

After you have planted your beans, be sure to water them well. Beans need a lot of water, so be sure to check on them often and water them when the soil starts to look dry.

How Many Beans Will You Harvest From A Square Foot Garden?

The number of beans you harvest from a square foot garden will depend on the type of bean you are growing, as well as the number of plants. For example, if you are growing green beans, you can expect to harvest about 2-3 pounds per 10-foot row. If you are growing lima beans, you can expect to harvest about 1/2 pound per 10-foot row.  So, in a square foot garden, you can expect to harvest about 1/4-1/2 pounds of beans.

When Is The Best Time To Pant Beans?

The best time to plant beans in a square foot garden is after the last frost of the season. Beans are a warm-weather crop, so they need to be planted when the weather is warm and the soil is moist. If you plant them too early, the plants may be killed by frost. If you plant them too late, the beans will not have enough time to mature before the first frost of the fall.

How To Plant Beans In A Square Foot Garden?

There are certain steps you need to follow before planting your beans

1. Choose a location for your square foot garden. The garden should get at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.

2. Amend the soil in the garden with compost or manure before planting.

3. Plant beans, peas, or other climbing plants in the back row of the square foot garden.

4. Space plants 1-2 inches apart.

5. Place a trellis, fence, or other support near the back of the garden for the plants to climb.

6. Water regularly and fertilize monthly.

7. Harvest when beans are plump and still green. Eat fresh, cook, or can for later use.

What Are Some Of The Best Beans To Grow In A Square Foot Garden?

Some of the best beans to grow are bush beans, like Blue Lake Bush Beans or Contender Bush Beans. These varieties don’t need support and they mature quickly, so they are ideal for growing in a small space. Another good option is pole beans, like Scarlet Runner Beans or Kentucky Wonder Beans. These varieties need support, but they produce a lot of beans, so they are worth the extra effort. Whichever type you choose, make sure to plant several different varieties to prevent disease and to ensure a good harvest.

Now that you know all about growing beans in a square-foot garden, it’s time to get started! Plant your beans after the last frost of the season and be sure to provide them with plenty of sunlight, water, and support. With proper care, you will soon be harvesting delicious beans from your garden!


If you’re looking to grow a garden, one of the easiest ways to do so is by planting beans in square foot gardens. With this guide, you can space your beans for optimum growth and have a bountiful harvest from your very own home garden!






My sweet mother was raised on a farm, and I must have inherited her love of cultivating natural magic. Watching seeds transform into life-sustaining food seems to be nothing short of a miracle, and I am fascinated by where these miracles can take place: containers, balconies, backyards, and even directly in water. I hope you'll explore and experience this magic with me!

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